The bond between sisters is sometimes tightly woven, sometimes loosely held, but never broken ~ Anonymous
Relationships with sisters are special, it is a bond unlike any other, but like any other relationship it needs care and attention.
Respect your sister for who she is. She may have different ways of doing things, but it doesn't mean it is right or wrong - just different.
My Sister
As kids, we lived together
we fought, we laughed, we cried.
We didn't always show the love,
that we both had inside.
We shared our dreams and plans,
and some secrets too.
All the memories we share,
is what bonds me now to you.
We grew to find we have a love
that is very strong today.
It's a love shared by our family,
you are my sister not by choice,
but by nature of our birth.
I could not have chosen a better one.
You are the best on earth.
A Very Special Sister
For many years we've shared our lives
One roof we once lived under
Sometimes we laughed, sometimes we cried
Through winter storms and thunder
The younger years have faded fast
We've gone our separate ways
But through all time our friendship lasts
Our bond in life remains
As summer brings the happy times
The autumn winds will whisper
A closer friend I'd never find
Than the one I call my Sister
~ Vernon 1985
Take care of each other, watch
out for each other, comfort
each other and are there for each
other through thick and thin.
We ran and played and shared out toys...
How I remember childhood joys.
We shared a home with Mom and Dad...
These memories now make me glad.
I looked to you when times were bad...
You saw my face when it was sad.
We see each other less these days, but...
You'll be close to me always.
I've loved you Sister from the start...
The ties that bind are in the heart!
Sometimes silly, always sweet,
I know my life would not be complete,
Shopping, talking on the phone,
Time passes, but I've always known
Every time I have a care,
Running to me, you'll be there.
Thank you Sister, for everything.
"Sisters are probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship" ~ Margaret Mead
To My Sister
It is the first mild day of March:
Each minute sweeter than before
The redbreast sings from the tall larch
That stands beside our door.
There is a blessing in the air,
Which seems a sense of joy to yield
To the bare trees, and mountains bare,
And grass in the green field.
My sister! ('tis a wish of mine)
Now that our morning meal is done,
Make haste, your morning task resign;
Come forth and feel the sun.
Edward will come with you;--and, pray,
Put on with speed your woodland dress;
And bring no book: for this one day
We'll give to idleness.
No joyless forms shall regulate
Our living calendar:
We from to-day, my Friend, will date
The opening of the year.
Love, now a universal birth,
From heart to heart is stealing,
From earth to man, from man to earth:
--It is the hour of feeling.
One moment now may give us more
Than years of toiling reason:
Our minds shall drink at every pore
The spirit of the season.
Some silent laws our hearts will make,
Which they shall long obey:
We for the year to come may take
Our temper from to-day.
And from the blessed power that rolls
About, below, above,
We'll frame the measure of our souls:
They shall be tuned to love.
Then come, my Sister! come, I pray,
With speed put on your woodland dress;
And bring no book: for this one day
We'll give to idleness.
~ William Wordsworth
Epistle to Augusta (first verse only)
Lord Byron
MY sister! my sweet sister! if a name
Dearer and purer were, it should be thine;
Mountains and seas divide us, but I claim
No tears, but tenderness to answer mine:
Go where I will, to me thou art the same
A loved regret which I would not resign.
There yet are two things in my destiny;
A world to roam through, and a home with thee.
A Sister Just Like You
I just want you to know
You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly
The many things you've done
All the times that you were there
Helps me know deep down inside
How much you really care
Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a sister just like you
My Sister, My Friend
Our shared and separate memories,
Our lives entwined and apart,
Our love for one another,
Secure in mind and heart.
Long remembered joys,
Never forgotten dreams,
Hurts and hopes, smiles and tears,
We took them to extremes.
I love you now, as then,
For the little child I knew
Resides within
The wondrous, marvelous you.
Inviolate and sacred
Our bond will ever be
The line of life that runs
From you straight back to me.
From the first day that I met you,
I knew you'd be my friend,
I knew that I could count on you,
No matter what life sends.
You always have the time to listen
And time to give and share;
By all your words and actions,
You show you really care.
I know you love my brother,
Your dreams are coming true,
And no one deserves it
Anymore than you.
As a sister-in-law, you're great,
As a friend, you are the best,
To have you in our family
Makes us all truly blessed.
Sister Quotes
Here's a few quotes that sum up what it means to be a sister:-
I've loved you Sister, from the start. The ties that bind are in the heart! ~ Anonymous
The bond between sisters is sometimes tightly woven, sometimes loosely held, but never broken ~ Anonymous
I am greatly pleased with your account of Fanny; I found her in the summer just as you describe, almost another sister, & could not have supposed that a niece would ever have been so much to me. She is quite after one’s own heart. Jane Austen
Surely a gentle sister is the second best gift to a man; and it is first in point of occurrence; for the wife comes after. ~ Herman Melville
Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood. ~ Louisa May Alcott
The bond of love and friendship between sisters is really something to treasure.
Why not try penning a few lines to your sister - it doesn't have to be poetry, but just putting your thoughts down on paper of how special you think she is, and why, will be something that she'd likely to treasure for years.
Thanks for visiting sister poems.