Children are our legacy... Our responsibility. They are our destiny and we are theirs. The extent to which we fail as parents, we fail as God's children. ~ Dirk Benedict
Baby Footprint Poems
The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.
Creating a keepsake of your newborn infant's hands or feet is a great way to remember the day of their birth. You can purchase a footprints kit at many arts and craft stores across the country.
Some people prefer to document their baby's early years by purchasing a photo album or scrapbook to record all their baby's firsts.

The first time they smiled,
the first time the rolled over,
the first time they crawled,
When they took their first steps.
You can include some poetry for your newborn
in these keepsakes as well to express the joy
and excitement of bringing a new baby into
the world!
Choose from our selection of poetry about babies footprints.
Baby Footprints Poems
Someday I'll jump through puddles.
Take a stroll or run a race.
Someday I'll walk across the street,
or maybe walk in space.
Someday I'll scale a mountain,
Or I'll join a ballet corps.
Someday I'll walk a tightrope,
Or explore the ocean floor.
Someday these feet will do some things,
That only heaven knows,
But for today they're happy
Just to wiggle all their toes.
Two little feet
with ten tiny toes
Isn't it strange
how quickly time goes?
Footprints so small
but this will not last
you change each day
you'll grow so fast
These two little footprints
will help me recall
how little you were
when your feet were so small
Baby Footprints Poem: Wee Little Feet
Look at this tiny impression
Made by my baby's feet
Can any other imprint
Be even half as sweet
Look at how delicate each line
Shows upon the surface here
Each one is carved upon my heart
For each one is so dear
I love these tiny little feet
I love each tiny toe
And it will be my greatest joy
Each tiny step to know
They won't stay small nearly long enough
But that is the way of life
But while they are so small and fragile
I'll guard them with my life
~ Thena Smith
Baby Footprints Poem: These Little Feet
These little feet have learned to walk
and now they've learned to run...
These little feet just love to dance,
They climb and have some fun...
These little feet don't want to rest,
They only want to play...
These little feet are busy feet,
They're on the go all day...
Baby Footprints Poem: Walk a Little Slower
"Walk a little slower, Daddy"
Said a little child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps
And I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they are hard to see;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy
For you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up
You are what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who will want to follow me
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you."
Baby Footprints Poem: Walk With Me, Mama
Walk alongside me, Mama
and hold my little hand
I have so many things to learn
that I don't yet understand.
Teach me things to keep me safe
from the dangers everyday.
Show me how to do my best
at home, at school, at play.
Every child needs a gentle hand
to guide them as they grow.
So walk alongside me, Mama
We have a long way to go.
Today, upon my garden walk,
Where fresh cement was laid,
You pressed your little heels and toes
And barefoot prints were made.
Beside this funny pair of feet,
With small and sturdy hand,
You wrote your own initials as
You write them in the sand.
Though you’ll be growing up, my dear,
And leaving me someday,
These little footprints on the walk
Will never run away.
I’ll keep them here forever, in
This special place, apart,
Just like the little footprints you
Have left upon my heart.
~ Kathy Dix
Footprints Recall
Two little feet, ten little toes,
Leave their impression today.
Soon they will wear two little shoes,
And be running and jumping at play.
Two little feet, too little time,
Before they are walking to school,
Kicking a rock, or skipping a rope,
Wading a puddle or jumping a pool.
Two little feet, One little child,
Will soon go their own way,
But footprints in my mind recall,
They stood here yesterday.
A Baby's Feet
A baby's feet, like sea shells pink,
Might tempt, should heaven see meet
An angel's lips to kiss, we think,
A baby's feet.
Like rose-hued sea flowers toward the heat
They stretch and spread and wink
Their ten soft buds that part and meet.
No flower bells that expand and shrink
Gleam half so heavenly sweet,
As shine on life's untrodden brink
A baby's feet.
~ Algernon Charles Swinburne
Here is some Newborn Poetry to welcome your new baby into this world
Welcome New Baby
Welcome new baby
We celebrate your birth
May you live life to the fullest
All your days here on earth
You were sent here with a purpose
That only you can fulfill
And in your journey through life
There will be roadblocks, but still...
Lean on your faith and an angel
To guide you in whatever you do
So God's perfect plan
Will be completed in you
~ Theresa K. Hardy
A little bit of heaven
Drifted down from above
A handful of happiness,
A heartful of love.
The mystery of life,
So sacred and sweet
The giver of joy
So deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,
So lovable, too
The world's sweetest miracle,
Baby girl, is you.
Poems for Baby
Angels at the foot,
And Angels at the head,
And like a curly little lamb
My pretty babe in bed.
~ from Sing-Song by Christina Rossetti
or another poem for babies by Christina Rossetti:-
Love me, - I love you,
Love me, my baby;
Sing it high, sing it low,
Sing it as may be.
Mother's arms under you,
Her eyes above you;
Sing it high, sing it low,
Love me - I love you.
Here's something more modern, which captures the delight of a new-born child:-
The First Day
Mewling he comes, sounding like a kitten, not a child.
Yet his eyes draw me to him, lost and looking for meaning,
looking for the one to give him purpose.
His mother, me, called to care and protect.
Love and respond, feed and nurture.
This I will do, until the day comes he can don his own shoes,
clothe and feed himself, ready to become a man.
Infant Joy
"I have no name;
I am but two days old."
What shall I call thee?
"I happy am,
Joy is my name."
Sweet joy befall thee!
Pretty joy!
Sweet joy, but two days old.
Sweet Joy I call thee:
Thou dost smile,
I sing the while;
Sweet joy befall thee!
~ William Blake
Poem from Mother To Be
I love you, little baby
You're such a part of me.
Can't wait to hold you in my arms,
And hug you tenderly.
No matter what you look like,
You're beautiful, my love,
A precious gift bequeathed to me,
from heaven far above.
Each time I feel you moving,
My heart is filled with joy,
To think that very soon I'll hold
My little girl or boy,
I'm counting every moment,
Til you're mine at last my sweet
It won't be long until your birth,
Then finally we'll meet.
Growing Up Poem
You were six months old and full of fun,
With a blink of an eye, you suddenly were 1..
There were many things we were going to do,
But I turned my head and you turned two...
At two, you were very dependent on me,
But independence took over when you were three...
Your third birthday, another year I tried to ignore,
But when I lit the candles there weren't 3, but four...
Four was the year that you really thrived,
Why, look at you now, you're already five...
Now you are ready for books and rules,
This is the year that you go to school...
The big day came; you were anxious to go,
We walked to the bus, going oh so slow...
As you climbed aboard and waved goodbye,
I felt a lump in my throat and a tears stung my eyes...
Time goes so fast, its hard to believe,
That yesterday you were home here with me...
And tomorrow when the bus brings you home &
you jump to the ground
You'll be wearing your cap and graduation gown...
So I'm holding on to these moments as hard as I can,
Because the next time I look,
I'll be seeing a grown man!
Do you have any favorite poetry about newborn babies - please email us!
Thanks for visiting baby footprint poems.
For more information on baby showers you can visit ideas for a baby shower- (games, invitations, cakes) and baby shower gift ideas at Special Moments!
Click on the following link for the original footprints poem about walking through life with God ...