Graduation Poems & Readings, Celebrate Graduation Day!
You will find a selection of graduation poems at Poem4Today.
Graduation poems are an excellent way of voicing your
congratulations on this special day in the life of someone you love - for a special daughter or son, or simply in friendship.

A celebration...
A time for looking back on lessons learned,
adventures shared, bright moments filled
with special meaning.
A farewell...
A time to say goodbye to old friends,
to good times you've known... a time for
packing away memories, treasures for tomorrow
A beginning...
A time for looking forward, a time to set new goals,
to dream new dreams, to try your wings and see what lies beyond
Graduation Prayer, The Lord Will Lead You
Now that you're celebrating
Your graduation day,
Your whole life is ahead of you,
And the Lord will lead the way.
Just trust in Him to guide you
In His divine and perfect will.
If you'll pray and read His Holy Word,
His plan you will fulfill.
Whatever happens in your life,
On the Lord you can depend.
There's nothing you can't handle
With Jesus as your best friend.
Congratulations, and may the Lord bless you always!
~ Joanna Fuchs
Christian Graduation Prayer
Dear Lord,
Today I bring this young graduate
before You asking You to keep Your
hand of protection upon her.
Please guide her steps in the days
ahead as she embarks on this new
journey before her. Grant her
wisdom to make wise decisions
according to Your will.
May the road before her be paved
with joyous opportunities that
bring honor and glory to You.
In the precious name of Jesus
I pray.
Graduation Poem, Dream Big
If there were ever a time to dare,
To make a difference
To embark on something worth doing
It is now.
Not for any grand cause, necessarily –
But for something that tugs at your heart
Something that is worth your aspiration
Something that is your dream.
You owe it to yourself
To make your days count.
Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch.
Dream big.
Know, though,
That things worth doing
Seldom come easy,
There will be times when you want to
Turn around
Pack it up and call it quits
Those times tell you
That you are pushing yourself
And that you are not afraid to learn by trying.
Because with an idea,
Determination and the right tools,
You can do great things.
Let your instincts, your intellect
And let your heart guide you.
Believe in the incredible power
Of the human mind
Of doing something that makes a difference
Of working hard
Of laughing and hoping
Of lasting friends
Of all the things that will cross your path
Next year
The start of something new
Brings the hope of something great.
Anything is possible
There is only one you
And you will pass this way but once.
Do it right.
Graduation Poem, Dare to Believe
Everybody Knows:
You can't be all things to all people.
You can't do all things at once.
You can't do all things equally well.
You can't do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.
You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.
You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due.
And you'll be a most vital mortal.
Dare To Believe:
That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it's more than a right, it's your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.
~ Author Unknown
Graduation Poem, Anyway
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
Be frank and honest anyway.
People favor underdogs but will follow only top dogs.
Fight for some underdogs anyway.
People may need help, but may attack you if you help them.
Help people anyway.
What you spend your years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
~ Author Unknown
Be True To You
As you set out on life’s road
unsure of the path you’ll go,
the most important thing you can do
is to always be true to “you”
Always remember who you are
in moments of struggle or fear.
Never forget or give up on
the hopes and dreams you hold dear
There will be setbacks and rejection
and moments of failure too,
but you must overcome any frustration
to achieve the potential of you.
Don’t forget to smile, or laugh,
or to live in the present;
no matter where life takes you
make every memory pleasant.
As you travel along your journey,
know that you’re never alone
and I’ll always be here for you
should you need the comfort of home.
On Your Graduation Day
In your life there will be many a milestone
On which you will look back when the years have flown.
And of all those major moments, I think it's fair to say
That one of the most special is your Graduation Day.
As one era ends, you watch a new one start;
An adventure in which you are about to take part.
Let courage and joy conquer any fear or doubt;
Let hope light the path on which you're setting out.
At those times when you need guidance, as all of us do,
Look to family and friends, always there to counsel you.
And if a choice does not turn out quite as you planned,
Never be ashamed to seek a helping hand.
Despite the challenges with which your journey may be fraught,
Stay true to yourself and the values you've been taught.
And be mindful that no matter the things you may possess,
The good you do for others is the true gauge of success.
Let No One Steal Your Dreams
Let no one steal your dreams
Let no one tear apart
The burning of ambition
That fires the drive inside your heart.
Let no one steal your dreams
Let no one tell you that you can't
Let no one hold you back
Let no one tell you that you won't.
Set your sights and keep them fixed
Set your sights on high
Let no one steal your dreams
Your only limit is the sky.
Let no one steal your dreams
Follow your heart
Follow your soul
For only when you follow them
Will you truly feel whole.
Set your sights and keep them fixed
Set your sights on high
Let no one steal your dreams
Your only limit is the sky.
~ Paul Cookson
Four Things
Four things a man must learn to do
If he would make his record true:
To think without confusion clearly;
To love his fellow men sincerely;
To act from honest motives purely;
To trust in God and Heaven securely.
~ Henry Van Dyke
SATs don't measure sports
SATs don't measure art,
SATs don't measure music.
Or the kindness in your heart.
SATs don't see your beauty,
SATs don't know your worth,
SATs don't see the reasons,
You were put upon this earth.
SATs don't see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don't time how quickly,
You can run a mile.
SATs don't hear your laughter,
Or see you've come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.
So sitting at your table,
With a pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren't who you are,
Remember you're the best!
~ Louise Regan
Graduation Quotes
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Ghandi
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. ~ William Arthur Ward
You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!. ~ Dr Seuss
I hope you found these graduation poems and graduation quotes as inspiring as we did!
Whether they're graduating from kindergarten or high school, it's still a big day and one to be marked and celebrated, often with a party.
Other places you can find suitable poems for graduation
Graduation Education Resources
View Scholarship Opportunities - For Scholarship & Grant guide information
Wondering how to get into an Ivy League School.
For ideas on how to raise your GPA and reach graduation.
What college admission tests do I need to get into college or university.
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graduation celebration
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ideas, visit Special Moments.
Check out our ideas for flowers for the graduate.
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