This prayer was originally written by Pastor Ed at Salisbury Vineyard church and read out as a christian blessing over the dad's present and as an acknowledgement of the important role of fatherhood in the lives of our children.

Fathers Day Prayer & Blessing
O God,
We thank you for these men
Men who have taken on the impossible task of following in Your footsteps
We thank you for their courage and strength
And our prayer is that as they learn what it means to be a father
That You would Father them, and apprentice them
We pray that you would teach them how to be good fathers
no matter how old or young their children are.
Give them hearts like your heart
That they may become known for
Compassion, tenderness, and mercy.
May they live lives full of love and grace.
May they not be afraid to discipline
And may they lead their families with great wisdom and gentleness
Anoint them to be warriors in Your kingdom
To wage war for their families in prayer
To be defenders and guardians of all that is true and good
Make them aware of the spiritual battle that You call them to engage in
Today, God our Father, we ask your blessing on all fathers
For new fathers, coming to terms with new responsibility;
For those who are trying to balance the demands of work, marriage and children;
For those who have to struggle to be a part of their child's life;
For those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
For those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
For those whose child has been placed for adoption;
For those whose love and support has offered healing;
For those that have adopted a child into their family;
For those who have lost a child;
For those who care for the children of others;
For those whose children have left home.
Bless all fathers, that they may be able to commit themselves selflessly
as mentor, protector and provider, shaping the direction
of their child's character by giving love, care and guidance.
Bless all fathers, that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.
Blessings For Fathers
"Dear God, I give thanks for fathers.
I recognize the dedication and patience
it takes to be a source
of compassion and
understanding when helping
to shape a young life.
Bless all fathers,
especially those who are new
in this sacred role. I pray they feel
Your presence with them.
May they know that Your strength
and wisdom are within them,
providing all they need
to guide and support
their children with kindness and love."
Father's Day Prayer
Let us praise those fathers who have striven to balance the demands of work, marriage, and children with an honest awareness of both joy and sacrifice. Let us praise those fathers who, lacking a good model for a father, have worked to become a good father.
Let us praise those fathers who by their own account were not always there for their children, but who continue to offer those children, now grown, their love and support. Let us pray for those fathers who have been wounded by the neglect and hostility of their children.
Let us praise those fathers who, despite divorce, have remained in their children's lives. Let us praise those fathers whose children are adopted, and whose love and support has offered healing.
Let us praise those fathers who, as stepfathers, freely choose the obligation of fatherhood and earned their step children's love and respect. Let us praise those fathers who have lost a child to death, and continue to hold the child in their heart.
Let us praise those men who have no children, but cherish the next generation as if they were their own.
Let us praise those men who have "fathered" us in their role as mentors and guides.
Let us praise those men who are about to become fathers; may they openly delight in their children.
And let us praise those fathers who have died, but live on in our memory and whose love continues to nurture us.
~ Kirk Loadman
We honour you in your God given duty
May you walk free from the lies of the world
That say a father is not important
For we say that you are important
You are to be a light in darkness
A living example of God Himself
We bless you to be strong and courageous
To wear the full armour of God
To resist the devil, and to stand
Stand firm for your wives and children
Stand firm for the body of Christ
We bless you to go out and do great deeds for the kingdom of God
To become oaks of righteousness
To rise to the fullness of Christ
And to run hard the race that has been marked for you
We claim this blessing for you
That you would be counted righteous in this life
That by the grace of God you would be blameless
And that in so doing your children would be blessed
What you do in life echoes in eternity.
O God bless these men
And may their echoes be loud and full and pleasing in Your sight throughout all ages.
As I recall, there was barely a dry eye in the house and all of the dads stood as this was read and they were blessed. They were then presented with gifts of chocolate as a tangible thank you for the wonderful job that they do!
What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family in need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
More Fathers Day Prayers
God, bless all the fathers in the world.
Guide them to be good role models
and loving to all their children
Help them to be a father like You are
Give them grace and patience
to handle situations in a loving way.
God, our Father
Bless these men,
that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
God our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless these men,
that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Christian Prayer for Fathers Day
Loving God,
We thank you for the gift of good dads,
and everything that they do for us.
Help them to have
patience when we're difficult,
wisdom when we can't see the way,
strength when we need comforting,
and love at all times,
so that, through them,
we get a little glimpse of how you feel about us,
our heavenly Father
Father, it is Your Commandment that we should honor our fathers;
Hear the prayers we offer You for them.
Grant them many years on earth and keep them in health of mind and body.
Bless their word and all they do.
Give them back a hundred-fold whatever they have done for us.
Inspire them with Your love and help them to fulfill Your holy law.
One day, may we be their comfort and support,
So that having enjoyed their affection on earth
We may have the joy of being with them forever in Your home in Heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.
May God bless you and thanks for visiting father's day prayer & blessing.
Parenting Book
Wow Dad!- written by a dad to give parents, both mothers and fathers, simple, fun things they can do with their children anytime and anywhere. Find out more about being a great and happy parent now!
Fathers Day Resources, Other Great Sites for Fathers
All About Fathers - Learn the history of Father's Day, find just the right gift for your Father and get information on all things Dads like to do.
Visit Special Moments for great ideas for Father's Day 2023.
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